Monday, March 23, 2009

I uploaded The Death of Illusion on Audio. In it I reference what happened at the Marriott Courtyard. I have spoken of this before, but for readers who don’t know, I will tell the story in a nutshell. In 2004 my husband died and he was buried in Memphis, Tennessee, two days before Christmas. An ice storm hit the city during his funeral and my son and sister and cousin and I were marooned there until Christmas Day. After the funeral, I wondered outloud as we ate breakfast how we would get a Christmas Eve meal. Mary, who was a cook and server there, offered to come in and prepare and share a meal with us. So there in an empty lobby, the five of us ate a Christmas Eve dinner. It turned out that her son had also been a patient at St. Jude’s but he was alive. At that point, we all recognized the miraculous quality of the night. I think it only happened because everything had been swept away...we were in the void...and that is where miracles happen. So give it a listen...

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