Thursday, May 07, 2009

This is a public service announcement from the universe ;)

"There is only the Self. It is present in all beings. If you don’t get the message, relax. We are sending it to you all day long.

If you do get the message and forget that you got it, not to worry. We will resend it whenever you get ready to hear it."

The Universe

On that note, how is everyone doing? I am reading through some of my old archives and came across
that timely message. And I have correctly posted The Root of Suffering on Audio. Take time to listen.

Love, Vicki

How about a comment now and then....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon Vicki,
To read your words today has brought me a quiet sense of wholeness that only the universe knows.
By coincident, I came upon your web-writings. The one about the leaf, brought tears of joy to my eyes. Thank you for sharing. Know you are appreciated this day,