Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It is so transformative to be with oneself in silence and inner grace. I was just listening to the beginning of a video where Ravi Ravendra says that the opposite force to unity is "me, me, me." How true. We are all challenged to wake up while the ego forces are wanting us to go back to sleep.

No one escapes the temptation.

To See the Temptation....

To see the temptation for what it is is to rise above it. May we all rise above it.

To see love for what it is is a miracle. May we all experience one today.

You are loved.

I just watched an eloquent video by Ravi Ravindra and Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee. Ravindra said, and I paraphrase...

I have not crashed the party; I belong here. This is the family business! This removes all fear of death because if God brought me to this party, he will also bring me to another one.

Two brilliant men speaking about the simple truth that the mind must be transcended to know self-unity.

Ravindra also said that if you want to really hear another person, you must listen first to the noise inside of your own mind. When you listen, it quiets down and THEN you can hear the so-called other.

Note: I am getting ready to have my gall bladder removed sometime next week. Will return when I can.



Michelle Garrison Hough said...

Thank you for helping others to transcend ego and fear through your writing. I hope that your surgery proceeds very smoothly and that you can relax during your "down time." Love and Blessings,

Vicki Woodyard said...

Thank you so much. I had a little sidetrip to the ER for palpitations on Friday the 13th in the middle of the night! There is a flu influx at that hospital and all of the rooms are full, so I am sensing my gallbladder surgery will not happen for a bit. I had some long-distance healing work done on me and it seems to be helping.