Friday, August 14, 2009

August 14, 09--The Imminent and the Transcendent is on Fishpond Thoughts. So what is going on with me, you ask? I was talking to the bagger while he loaded the groceries into my trunk. He was giving a talk on Numbers in the Old Testament at his church. I told him I didn’t know much about it and he told me briefly some of the things he had learned. All I said was....people don’t realize that they are being challenged daily just as the Biblical figures were. When you do your inner work, you realize this....

I had to go back for a diagnostic mammogram and am scheduled for an ultrasound on Monday. This happens to me every other year or so, but it always causes anxiety. Nothing I can do about it but try and relax...which is a spiritual exercise in awareness.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I am so grateful there is a Living God close by when times and events make us anxious.

Peace, Vicki, peace.

Did you read Numbers?