Tuesday, December 30, 2008

There is little that excites me outside of walking the path. Without the way, where would we be? But the path is difficult and exacting, until the moment that spiritual relief occurs. And this cannot be manipulated or artificially attained. Grace ushers us into the presence of God in its own sweet time. And we are trained to wait patiently rather than storming heaven.

I am impatient by nature, so this lifetime has been one of testing for me. I have to slow down, breathe and call on higher awareness to rescue me when I have bungled yet again.

Bob was an engineer and hated to hang pictures on bare clean walls. But my mother was a water colorist, so there were always pictures she had given us to frame and hang. He measured and marked and frowned as he went about the tedious job of hanging them just right. Now me, I take a pushpin and plunge it into the wallpaper to hang a calendar. And every month I make another sloppy hole. It doesn’t bother
me a bit. Vive la difference.

When I write, it is quickly and intuitively. I trust the voice I have come to recognize as “mine.” I always say it is God’s little joke on me that I tell everything when I write. That is because I am a very private Scorpio in every other way. I was born grown-up, according to my mother and was called Miss Priss. But I also have a wickedly funny side I inherited from my father. I wrote some pretty naughty lines back in my comedy-writing days.

But back to this website and its purpose. It began to support Bob when he was dying. It soon turned me into a writer driven by my passion. I hope you will come back to share life with me as I write and speak. I guarantee it will be genuine if nothing else.

I want you to come with me into the now. It is a dynamically healing place.

On the Audio Page you will find the first MP3's of 2009. They are

Become a Regular

The Kwan Yin Vow


A Foot in the Door

I have archived the Updates and Audio pages for 2008. That means they have gone away. I am always reluctant to do this, but the old must give way to the new.

The updates are done frequently, so at the end of each year there is rich treasure trove of essays and new recordings. I hope you have enjoyed them all.

Each audio is an adventure into the tao. I hope you will come along with me as I record them this year.

I appreciate regular small donations to the site, as this keeps my operating expenses in line....so give what you can when you can! Thank you for being here for me as I am for you. I love you all.

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