Monday, May 10, 2010

Yesterday my son took some pictures of me. Thought I'd post one.
I knew he'd have to be patient with me since it was Mother's Day. Been feeling good about the book I'm trying to finish. Hopefully it will open a new chapter in my life. I was told I would do this, and it's taken a while for me to realize the dream.


Colleen Loehr said...

Hi Vicki, Thanks for posting the picture, the spark of awake loving kindness comes through in your eyes. I read the previous post and I'm interested to hear about your book. Writing is a spiritual practice in itself and an avenue for increasing consciousness. It's also a way to sense our connection with each other, and I look forward to reading your book.

Vicki Woodyard said...

Why, thank you...I love to write, as it comes from something that is "not me." Whatever we do that is from the creative is our gift to share.

Spiritual writers have to "make do" with the exposure they can get and be grateful for it. A lot of what I write is about loss and that doesn't generate a lot of interest. It's a taboo subject in our culture. But I have sat with it for so long that I must speak.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the picture with us. Know it has to be a day of mixed blessings.Watch out for that crazy weather down there. Don't get tornadoed.

Gail Storey said...

So wonderful to see your beautiful Mother's Day face! I agree with Colleen that lovingkindness shines through your eyes. Have been reading your other recent posts, too, and wish you a wide audience for your book.

Vicki Woodyard said...

From your lips...and I do mean those on your porch!
Those should be big enough to get God's attention.